Do you know why and how business leaders,  corporate employees and managers become redundant and irrelevant in their fields of expertise? 


Well, Elada Institute helps business leaders, corporate employees and managers to upskill, update and upgrade their skills and competences beyond competition through accredited, online or distance, work-based and business-based training programs.

The Elada Institute is based in Johannesburg, South Africa, and registered as a private training provider under the services Seta, registration no. 12206. This Institute of Business Management and Leadership offers education qualifications, skills programs and unit standards (Short Courses) accredited by the Services Seta (SSETA) and recorded on the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) from Certificate (NQF 1, NQF 2, NQF 4) to Higher Certificate and Diplomas (NQF 5). In doing so, The Institute is able to promote strategic planning, alignment, engagement and performance of people at work and thus, optimising organisational performance.

Providing a learning journey for managers, business leaders and entrepreneurs.