Management Policies at Elada Institute
The CEO of Elada Institute shall appoint responsible persons in terms of section 16(2) as necessary, in terms of the requirements of the OHS Act. The responsible persons referred to, are described in the OHS Act as persons under the control of the Chief Executive Officer who is instructed to carry out the duties envisaged by the OHS Act. However, the CEO remains responsible or liable in this regard.
Safety, Health, and Environment Committee
A Safety, Health, and Environment Committee will be convened, and the primary purpose of the Committee is to assist the Executive Management to fulfil its responsibilities in relation to Health, Safety and Environmental matters, arising out of the activities of the Company in doing so it may advise on health, personal and process safety in relation to staff, contractors, visitors and the general public.
Staff Awareness
Elada Institute will ensure that all staff are provided with adequate and appropriate information and training and are competent in occupational Health, Safety and Environment matters. At the same time, Elada Institute will more generally raise awareness of Health, Safety and Environment issues for all staff.
Responsibility and Accountability
While Management is responsible for implementing and maintaining good Safety, Health and Environment practices and leading by example (e.g. by demonstrating safe, healthy and environmentally responsible behaviour), employees need to understand and respond to occupational health, safety and environment matters with equal importance to other key business objectives.
Employees are expected to perform their duties at all times, with a sense of social responsibility to ensure compliance with the relevant legislation, regulations and standards.
Record Keeping
Records shall be kept of the Safety, Health and Environment systems and procedures established for each workplace.
Copies of the Safety, Health and Environment systems and procedures, as well as copies of all reports on occupational Safety, Health and Environment, shall be kept in the Facilities Department (Head Office).
Copies of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) issuance registers must be kept for record purposes.

Christelle Nsensele2024-09-13 I had a great time learning and I've learned a lot during the days of training. Thanks Mr Christian I believe we are not the same after the training session. ADOLPHE MOLEKA2024-09-06 For me Elada institute is the good institute for the training for Excel basic I prefer that this institution come back again for anauther training Example ISO14001: leader implement Sarah Kashal2024-09-06 The training provided me with very effective strategies I could use and I now feel so much confident while using excel tools. It met all of my expectations and was extremely helpful. The instructor was very thorough and knowledgeable. Many thanks ! loick charlier2024-09-06 Le formateur était très disposé et à l'écoute. Le contenu enrichissant et développant. costa mukebo2024-09-06 My name is Mukebo and I attended the Excel training with Mr Christian Nkongolo from the 2nd of September up to the 6th of September 2024. The learning experience was far beyond expectations and I highly appreciated his ability to convey such a complex subject into very simple concepts with practical exercises that assisted me in learning new Excel skills, bettering my knowledge and improving my daily working activities using Excel. Thanks a lot to my company KAMOA copper for this wonderful opportunity and I’m a bit sad that the session was only for a week. If we can have these classes more often, that will highly be appreciated. Mr Christian is definitely one teacher that I can recommend to any person interested in learning EXCEL. Saintclair Bopima2024-09-06 The trainer Mr Christian Nkongolo has very good approach to teach the lessons in a very understandable way Passy Kamalenga2024-06-21 J'ai beaucoup apprécié cette formation et je crois qu'en mettant en pratique tout ce que j'ai appris, celà fera de moi un bon formateur. John Pax2024-06-21 Je suis très satisfait de la formation suivie dispensait par Elada, elle m'a permis non seulement d'avoir une information mais d'arriver aussi à la transformation. merci beaucoup Jordi Andy LUBOYA M.2024-06-21 La formation à été efficace, j'ai apprécié le formateur et les notions fournies. Merci à Elada