Tender Management

This unit standard is a core standard and forms part of the qualification, FETC in New Venture Creation and is registered at level 2 on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). Learners working towards this standard will be working within a SMME (Small, Medium, Micro Enterprise) environment, specializing in New Venture Ownership and Management, where the acquisition of competence against this standard will add value to one’s job. This standard will also add value to entrepreneurs who are seeking to develop their entrepreneurial skills so that they can become more marketable for bigger contracts, including commercial and public sector contracts, for example, the Department of Public Works programs.
Exit Level Outcomes
Procuring and reviewing a tender document. Preparing and completing a tender document. Submitting a tender document.MODULES
- Module 1: Procure and Review a tender document
- Module 2: Prepare and complete a tender document
- Module 3: Submit a tender document
Assumed competency in: Communication and Mathematical Literacy at NQF Level 2.
- Tender Engineer
- Tender Manager
- Tender Specialist
- Tender Administrator
- Senior Marketing Manager
- Duration: 11th – 13th February 2024
- Offering: Classroom Learning
- Intake: January
- 30% of your final mark comes from your Formative and Summative Assessments.
- 70% of your final mark comes from the FISA.
- You need at least 75% overall to pass.
No 12206